

Discipline means the training of the mind and character. We instill in our students a sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and for one another. The underlying reason for this is that we believe that God lives in each of us. The way we treat other is the way we treat God. Thus, the question: How did you treat God in this instance? The discipline policy has been designed to encourage and enforce.
appropriate behavior. Any teacher or designated adult will have the authority to enforce these guidelines.

Therefore, we expect each child to listen and to follow the guidelines that have been established.


We expect each child to:

1. Respect each other with kind words and actions:

  • keeping hands to oneself
  • using good manners (such as greeting adults, saying please and
    thank you, sitting at a desk or table during lunch)
  • taking responsibility for his/her actions

2. Respect of property:

  • keeping his/her workspace neat
  • being considerate of other people’s property
  • being considerate of school property
  • taking care of his/her own property (such as books, pencils/
    crayons, art supplies)
  • being responsible for the care of the classroom

3. Respect the learning environment (includes all inside and outside school
property school areas):

  • being prepared for class
  • being a good listener
  • using an appropriate voice level
  • being considerate of other classes in session while passing in the hall
  • following safety rules

The student is encouraged to make a good choice when the teacher or aide
offers him/her (two) choices.

The consequences for misbehavior will follow a three-step process.
1. a reminder of the expectation
2. a warning
3. a consequence

*A pattern of misbehavior will result in parent contact (via e-mail, phone or note)/
conference.  When behavior is detrimental to the safety of the child or children in the classroom, the child will be automatically removed from the classroom and sent to the principal. Parent(s) then will be notified and a conference with the parent(s),
teacher and principal will be scheduled.


Homework assignments given to students are meaningful learning experiences. It must be remembered that not all children accomplish the same amount of work in the same time, therefore some children will find it necessary to spend more time to complete a given assignment.

Encourage good study habits by providing a quiet, undistracted place and
time for study. The following time allotment is suggested:
Grade 1: 10 – 15 min.
Grade 2: 20 – 30 min.

Make-up Work

Illness: – Missed work due to illness will be sent home with a sibling, or parent may
pick it up after 3:00 p.m.  Parents, please make requests by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the illness.  Please request by parent on the day of the illness by 9:00 a.m.

Vacation: Missed work due to vacation will be made up upon the student’s return to school.

Grading: Grading will follow the marking code on the report card. Reports are
computer generated and are distributed to parents quarterly.  Report cards for K-2 utilize a grading for a learning approach. 

Marking Code for Academics
E     Exceeds Grade Level Diocesan standards
M   Meets Grade Level Diocesan Standards
W   Working towards grade level standards
N    Not Yet meeting Grade Level Diocesan Standards
X    Not Evaluated at this time.

Arrival Procedures
**If a parent or guardian drives his/her child to school and arrives before
8:30 a.m, please let him/her enter the building by him/herself. We ask that you help
them to develop independence, self-confidence and responsibility by encouraging.
them to go to their classroom with other students. 

**If a parent drives their child and arrives at school after 8:30 A.M, the parent
needs to walk their child into school and sign them in at the Main Office. The child will give his/her teacher the Tardy Excuse (their “Golden Ticket”).

Parent – Teacher Communication
It is very important that parents and teachers have open lines of communication throughout the year. Any concerns that a parent has regarding schoolwork, classmates, procedures, etc. require that the parent should contact the classroom teacher via phone, e-mail or note to set up a conference. Unscheduled conferences or visits to the classroom before or during the school day are not permitted. If there is a serious reason, parents or guardian must sign in at the Main Office and the secretary will get the student from his/her classroom.