
At Saint Kateri School we offer many opportunities for our students and families to strengthen their faith.  Religion is integrated into every day of student learning.  We are lucky to have our school directly attached to our church, Christ the King.  It makes it easy for our teachers to utilize this beautiful space with their students.  Read on to learn about the many other ways we celebrate and grow our faith.  


Once a month our Grade 3 – Grade 5 students take turns leading us in our Morning Prayer Service.  Preschool through 5th grade comes together for prayer, song, student celebrations and weekly announcements.  Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend.  Look for monthly dates on our school calendar.  


Our students attend Mass each month as a school community.  All grades take turns leading a school mass; being readers, bringing up the gifts, altar servers, choir members ~ they are responsible for it all.  Our school families and parishioners are always welcome and encouraged to attend.  See Calendar for 2023-2024 dates for School Masses. 


Our Kindergarten – Grade 5 classes take turns attending Mass each Tuesday.  The purpose of this smaller gathering is that it allows a more intimate Mass experience for our students.  Fr. Gonyo, Saint Kateri Pastor, uses this opportunity as a “Teaching Mass” for students to ask questions and to actively participate in the Prayers of the Faithful.  This Mass is held every Tuesday at 8:45am and also serves as one of the Daily Masses that Saint Kateri Parish offers.