Our Catholic tradition has always taught us that the human body is sacred, and that all people are made in the image and likeness of God.
We know that our work with children, youth and vulnerable adults is a sacred trust. We have fully implemented The Charter and Norms for the Protection of Children and Young People by conducting criminal record checks on all Church employees and volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults. This includes catechists, classroom aides, chaperones, children’s liturgy of the word leaders, communion ministers to group homes and the home-bound, sacristans, music directors, accompanists and any other people who would potentially be working with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults.
Prior to beginning volunteer work with children, youth and/or vulnerable adults, volunteers must first complete the following Diocesan CASE Training:
- A Background Check and Authorization Form
- A signed Volunteer Code of Conduct
- Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) Training
CASE Training can be done Online anytime, day or night, or In-Person as requested.
Before volunteering, please submit your completed Background Check and Volunteer Code of Conduct forms along with your CASE Completion Certificate to Anna Steele. Please note that your completed CASE paperwork, Background Check and Volunteer Code of Conduct must be processed prior to volunteering. You will receive notification when you have the green light to volunteer.
The Background Check, signed Volunteer Code of Conduct and CASE training are renewed every three years.
Volunteer Drivers: A CASE certified volunteer is eligible to apply as a volunteer driver. Volunteer drivers also need to complete Volunteer Driver forms annually.
Please contact Anna Steele if you have any questions or if you need help with your CASE Training:
Email: [email protected] Phone: 585-544-8889 Ext 3404